Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 11th - 17th

Tuesday Jan 12th
Combined activities. The priests are hosting and playing a new version of volleyball.

Saturday Jan 16th
1:00 YM basketball game vs. Jackson/Athens/Chilocothe

4:00 - 6:00 Get to know the institute
Institute open house to meet college admissions counselor and become acquainted with institute program.

Sunday Jan 17th
2:15 BYC following block of meetings

Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 14th - 20th

Tuesday Dec. 15th

Teachers and Deacons will be participating in their board of review and their duty to God in preparation for the next court of honor on January 5th.

The Priests will meet at the Church and then go Christmas Caroling. Dress warmly!

Sunday Dec. 20th
BYC following the third hours block. Quorum Presidents need to be present or have a representative present.

There are no scheduled activities the final two weeks of the year with the exception of the New Years Eve Dance in Dublin.

Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7 - 13

Tuesday 8th Combined Activity

Saturday Dec. 12th

The Young Men have been asked to help with the ward activity. Please show up at 9:00 a.m. ready to help.

Sunday Dec. 13th
Quorum Presidency Meetings at 12:00.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

November 30th - December 6th

Tuesday December 1st

The Teachers and Deacons will be having a cooking night at the Church

The Priests are going to go with the Laurels to Childrens Hospital to learn from Bro. Crandall about the medical profession. We are going to meet at Marcus Theatre park at ride at 6:00 so that we can have plenty of time at the hospital.

Saturday December 5th @ 6:00 p.m. Collin Blalock Eagle Court of Honor
Please join us at the Church to support Collin in this great accomplishment.

Sunday December 6th
The scouts will be collecting fast offerings after church.

Welcome Welcome

One of the subtle things the Young Men leaders have noticed is that things said to the young men do not always get repeated to their parents. So, in an attempt to enhance communication we have established this blog. The plan is to update this as needed with announcements and changes. We plan to still have Bro. Slangrupt send out the monthly newsletter and calendar. This will repeat what is on the calendar and/or make changes as things happen throughout the month.

The easiest thing to do is save this website in your favorites and look at it regularly or if you have any questions. Hopefully this will answer most of your questions. The website address is If you would like me to set you up for an automatic e-mail notification each time the blog is updated please let me know. My e-mail is

Bro. Sullivan